february 5, 2026
Full & Half distance Triathlon
in the world largest desert
Here, amidst the surreal landscape, the swimming leg of the race unfolds in a truly captivating setting. Picture yourself gliding through the crystal-clear waters that are situated between sand dunes and the vast expanse of the Sahara plateau. You will quite literally find yourself swimming at the very edge of the world.
Get ready to pedal through a mesmerizing journey through time on our cycling route. This path winds its way through ancient villages that have stood for a millennium, offering you a unique glimpse into the rich tapestry of history as you race through their timeless streets. As you zoom between the majestic sand dunes, you'll find yourself on a lightning-fast asphalt track, where the only companions you'll have are the stately camel herds, the absolute hush of the desert, and the fellow athletes sharing this unforgettable experience with you.
Prepare to lace up your running shoes for a one-of-a-kind adventure that will test your mettle on a terrain as diverse as it is challenging. The running course weaves a path through the stunning oasis village of Taghit, where your feet will touch down on a medley of surfaces – from the soft, shifting sands to the gritty gravel and smooth asphalt.
the finish line
As you approach the finish line, it feels like you've conquered not just a race, but a vast and endless expanse—the formidable Sahara Desert itself.
This race isn't just a physical challenge; it's a battle at the edge of the world, where the very elements conspire against you. The finish line, in this brutal arena, is more than a ribbon; it's a triumph over the harshest of adversaries.